Just 50 years was absolutely impossible to think that while you sleep you could win money. That is the magic of computing and the Internet. The new era of communications is impressive. Anyone would have happened you that your business, the traditional store could provide money in the early morning hours or while on vacation. By which to earn money while you rest, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even absent from your business, you need: make your online business on autopilot. We establish a mode of organizing the important elements 3 fundamental stages: stage of preparation of the business stage of development stage of testing results stage of preparation of the business:-establish detailed study of the segment or niche market to work. defining needs, desires, aspirations of this potential market. -To clearly define the business idea, identifying the potential from the particular niche.
-Clara, Concisa, easily set the domain name of your Web site, which is identified with the niche market or with the service or product to market, the latter should be directed by what search and want the niche market, not by a particular product that you want to sell. -Start creating your Web site with an application and design the most appropriate possible to the idea that you want to convey and the results expected of that market niche specific. Development stage:-work in a simple layout and cash from your Website, providing visitors the ease of navigation of the site. -Promote their own content or prestigious which allow quick and effective search engines indexing. -Facilitate content visitors rich argument allowing to differentiate themselves from their competition, creating an unmatched asset to prospect and his followers.
and enabling the obtaining of his followers on his Website database. -Design of exact and precise viral marketing and advertising paid if possible, allowing an acceptable level of visitors and traffic to your web site. -Continue to work creating your list of followers and automating the process through email marketing. element most important to put your business on auto-pilot – design your marketing campaigns using the most reputable companies on the market. Which allow payments, tracking and automation of the process. Stage of testing results analyze and determine the results in detail:-the design and usability of your Website. -Check periodically the Email Marketing campaigns. -Effectiveness of Viral Marketing and paid advertising, testing the policies implemented. -Determine the importance of content generated on your Web site and search engine of the same relevance. -Define failures or errors essential in the trafico-visitantes – your Website positioning, correcting these in particular. Very important: have sufficient mental capacity and ability to change which allows correct, fix and adapt to the new trends of the market, which should be studied and prepared each day.