Can In Join-tale Every Web2. 0-write The History

There is a modern fairy tale of the present time, jointly written by hundreds of people on the Internet. The Internet is a modern fairy tale of the present time, which could not be “Web two Noughties”: hundreds of people on together a story. It begins with aon, who had left his former life as a media consultant and was driven into the desert. There the events fought over suddenly “As roundup in the whorehouse, as would a dam would be torn down.” The mid-August-launched project allows all Internet users, working together on the Web2. 0-history to write.

Everyone can free of charge and without registration words the text or add to and influence the story. The rules are simple: daily each user may add up to seven words and move it to an appropriate place in the text. While you should keep the work of the other with authors in the eye and take the storylines started by them and figures, and continue. The result is the join fairy-tales from the question of whether many people could together create a history of individual words and how they probably would look like. After the first week the common fairy tale takes the first form and the response to the project is surprisingly high.

“More than 100 co-authors have already contributed to the history and you will grow. 700 words” the initiator of the project, Christoph Bock is pleased. “The interactive tale should be just fun reading as well as in Active writing. “A special charm to this Web2. 0-history is to see how the own contribution with other authors is picked up and further developed.” With a twinkle in his eye, he calls therefore the project “the democratization of history.” How is the story will develop, nobody knows. Everyone is invited to bring down the main character at in greatest danger or even to save them. – we write Web2. 0 story, Word for Word! CONTACT: Christoph F. Bock fog wall 7, 33602 Bielefeld + 49 (521) 453 6604 E-mail: Web: about MITMACHMRCHEN.DE was founded in mid-August 2008. On the page, all Internet users can write a story together by each individual words or attaches. Each author can add the daily maximum of seven words and move it to an appropriate place in the text. While you should keep the work of the other with authors in the eye and take the storylines started by them and figures, and continue. can be used free of charge and without registration. The result is the join fairy-tales from the question of whether many people could together create a history of individual words and how they probably would look like. The site is based on the word database of the German Internet-Word project The initiator of the two projects, says Christoph Bock, via “the join tale should be just plain fun, at the” Read as well as for active writing. “A special charm to this Web2. 0-history is to see how the own contribution with other authors is picked up and further developed.” With a twinkle in his eye, he calls therefore the project “the democratization of history.” More information:

Playing Paintball Is Good For Health

Paintball is a very active adventure sport that extends throughout the world, in Spain many fields can be found especially in the big cities such as Madrid and Barcelona. Those who practice paintball considered that it is not a simple sport, they believe that paintball is an art, paintball benefits are innumerable especially insofar as it refers to resistance. Continue to learn more with: Daryl Hagler. The distances that loops through playing paintball are high, if combined with the speed that is required while acquiring will practice this sport will get an increase in blood flow, it must be special care if you suffer from an envelope weight. Guns that are used to playing paintball have a very similar weight to the weight of real guns this means that approximately 3 hours (approximate time that lasts a section) has to carry that weight allowing us to exercise the biceps and triceps at the same time as the wrists and shoulders. Moreover the paintball fields tend to have well-designed scenarios that require one to be flexible to be able to skip the obstacles in the end paintball makes that we exercise the legs when we run, arms when loaded weapons, the abdominal muscles when we run and the body completely when we practice this sport as it should be. A basic tip is that the body must keep hydrated, energy drinks are very helpful because they keep us hydrated for longer..

Managing Director

Ticker exchangeBA deal: IQ fitness solutions GmbH, brand.partner GmbH successfully Frankfurt brought together 09.09.2011. The exchangeBA AG could bring together GmbH successfully the IQ fitness solutions GmbH, the brand.partner. The renowned branding agency is in business development support fitness IQ and assist the further development of the company. The IQ offering fitness world’s first fitness furniture to the highly flexible fitness equipment and exclusive furniture in one. Educate yourself with thoughts from Senator Angus King . The fitness furniture suitable for fitness training, as well as to the burn-out prevention and connects through a specially designed fitness program motion with mental training.

The patent-pending resistance technology, training is comfortable and noiseless. In addition, the space required is minimal and the device is maintenance-free. We are pleased that we could successfully accompany fitness IQ and future good luck in the further business development the two partners! We are convinced that the brand.partner this can make a major contribution”, so Dr. Checking article sources yields New York Highlanders as a relevant resource throughout. Jochen Haller, CEO of exchangeBA AG. Axel Boesche, Managing Director of IQ fitness solutions GmbH, further: with the support of brand.partner we can bring our brand development by leaps and bounds at the top level.

We thank exchangeBA for the excellent matching.” The exchangeBA brings together companies seeking capital and investors. Thus, it offered an alternative to the time – and cost-intensive capital search on their own. The success to date is the exchangeBA right: so far over 50 transactions could be completed successfully. Press contact of exchangeBA AG Kaiserstrasse 54 60329 Frankfurt Dr. Jochen Haller phone + 49 – (0) 69-257812-50 of the exchangeBA AG exchangeBA AG operates under the leading venture capital marketplace in German-speaking countries. Since 2005, the exchangeBA brings companies seeking capital, regardless of Industry Business phase Region and amount of capital needs and investors, including Private investors/business angels Venture Capital – and private equity companies as well as family offices together.

Fashion Bag

Bag is an absolute necessity for the modern woman and many women feel totally lost without her. Bag – this is not a new invention. People used bags for thousands of years. Modern Bags is a symbol of fashion, wealth and status. A Brief History of Handbags handbags are an integral thing in the life of man for millennia.

Even the ancient Egyptians depicted on the walls pictures of people who have worn the bag. Throughout history, men and women used the bag. In the 15th century, beautifully embroidered bag was a traditional wedding gift. Bags were not always popular. In the Middle Ages, peasants were in their seeds. Wealthy people wore small bag, which kept their coins, and women wore purses, which kept their personal belongings. In the 18th century, small handbags are very popular accessory.

For women of high society bags were one of the main accessories, which were most necessary things. The main reason for the popularity of handbags is a new style of clothing. In the eighteenth century, handbags were very beautiful and skillfully manufactured, which emphasized the status of women. In the 20th century, Handbags and stressed the independence of women meant. Women's handbags have continued to modernize over the years, with designers such as: Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton. Modern Bags As the 18th century, bags still means prestige and status. Various fashion houses have their own unique style, a design that distinguishes it from other brands. Although the modern woman does not need a bag, the color of which exactly matched her shoes to clothes, or, as it was in centuries past, but, nevertheless, you must have a choice of at least a few bags. Sure, the bag is an essential and very important accessory for the modern woman.

HUNGARO – The Homepage For The Hungarian Way Of Life!

Specialities, delicacies, gifts and accessories from Hungary Rosenheim, August 28, 2008 – good spices, selected wines, delicious specialities and delicacies, traditional crafts – learn you know when HUNGARO the colorful diversity of Hungary & enjoy! Asked the people of Hungary, in Germany as “Paprika”, the terms “Salami”, “Goulash” often fall, while at the same time beautiful memories of the delicious food and friendly people are awakened. Already working can be seen, hospitality, good food and beverages in Hungary have what importance. But you did wrong Hungarian cuisine indeed when they are reduced to the three mentioned “classics”. There are numerous other specialties or dishes that are at least equivalent, even if they so far still not made it to worldwide notoriety. Frequently More has said that publicly. The “little Hungarian Cookbook” by Karoly Gundel provides a good introduction to the versatile Hungarian flavours.

This ingenious cooking created at the beginning of the last century in his eponymous restaurant in Budapest – which even today still exists – some unique dishes. The Cookbook contains 124 of the best known & most popular dishes of Hungarian cuisine, and can be considered due to its global expansion with 45 new editions and numerous translations confidently standard for Hungarian cuisine. Already hundreds of thousands of professional and amateur chefs all over the world took and take the booklet at hand to enchant their guests with Hungarian specialities. Starting with soups, cold & hot appetizers, main dishes to the side dishes, salads, sauces and many delicious desserts right there is something for every taste and every occasion. But what a sweet & tasty Hungarian menu without the accompanying wine? Even if this fact is still not widely known: there are in Hungary – favours which excellent wines of good soils, mild climate and sunny slopes – numerous wine regions with a centuries-old tradition of wine growing, produce, need not to shy away from a comparison with the wines of other Nations. The best-known is the Hungarian wines of Tokaj, which bears the title “Wine of Kings – King of the wines” with pride & dignity (VINUM REGUM REX VINORUM). This title was awarded by the French King Louis XIV. (1638-1715), at whose court he became largest fame and admiration.

The Russian Emperor Peter I and later his successor Empress Katarina introduced the Tokaj wine at the Court, and finally the wine was beatified along with his bearer (1740-1780 Maria Theresia) even by the Pope Benedict XIV., with the following words: “blessed be the Earth that bore you. Blessed be the lady who brought you and I am also blessed, that I was allowed to take you.” With a long tradition of good eating & drinking, it is not surprising that Hungary has produced new specialties in recent times: so delicious fruit desserts are available, for a few years exclusive use of natural ingredients (dried fruits & nuts) which not only very tasty but are also very healthy. The supply of refined flavor combinations (plum walnut, PEAR almond, apricot hazelnut) will be expanded to more varieties in the course of the year. However, main dishes, wines and desserts – the enjoyment of this Hungarian delights perfect only in the right ambience. With the beautiful Hungarian room decorations, such as traditional embroidery & pottery art or hand-painted utensils made of ceramic & wood comes also the eye at his own expense – and which famously always eat with!

Flat Tax

With the aim to optimise their customer service to the top issue “Flat tax”, the Cooperative Bank of Unterallgau, Mindelheim, has decided akwiso.finanz for the use of Internet-based contact management. Dietmannsried, January 14, 2008: Now 50 customer service representative of the southern financial institution for customer support on the contact database from akwiso to access. In addition, also integrated advertising portal, they have access to all advertising existing on the subject of “Withholding tax” and brochures. Other leaders such as KBS offer similar insights. Individual writing can be created just as quickly directly from the system such as form letters. So are account managers capable of fast and friendly service to respond to the wishes of the attractive target group good earner and maintain a continuous contact. A related site: Daryl Hagler mentions similar findings. In a second step, the expansion on all 180 customer service representative of the regional bank network is provided. The countdown has begun! On 01.01.2009, the withholding tax is introduced. Finally, all investment income with a flat-rate tax of 25% be plus Solidarity tax and church tax subject to taxation (approx.

28%). This is positive especially for people who currently have a personal income tax rate by over 28%, because these will less taxes to pay. As usual has the legislature incorporated but also falling, to get around it is to get into the “pleasure” of the new regime. The flat tax offers a superb occasion with their customers in the attractive target group good earners to seek talk individually to advise or to attract new customers with this in mind, to make them aware on the new legislation for banks and financial institutions. akwiso.Finanz special solution for greater flexibility and efficiency in customer service with akwiso.finanz the company offers akwiso banks and financial institutions a powerful instrument, to provide their sales teams with this necessary data and information and thus facilitate the contact and care. Through the Web-based user interface, he receives from akwiso.finanz A bank customer consultant the opportunity to see the contact information of its customers access to, or to access the entire customer file each time.

Only the contact data will be transferred in the system, sensitive data such as account balances and assets remain in the internal bank system. More information about akwiso.finanz, see the Internet under withholding tax on akwiso: akwiso was in a more than two-year development period by a group of sales and marketing professionals and in practice since 2005. Aim was to develop a user-friendly, effective and powerful Kontaktverwaltungs tool for marketing and sales. This, it seemed to choose the Internet as a platform and to offer the solution not as installable license solution, but as an Internet-based online service, which can be rented as needed. Meanwhile, nearly 200 companies from different industries use akwiso – and there are more every day. Focus on the use of akwiso are: sales management, execution and control of marketing campaigns Postqualifying fair contacts in call center and marketing services provider akwiso as a base platform for its customers. For more information see contact person for the press: Heike kareng H.K.P CONSULTING GMBH of Furstenrieder road 279a 81377 Munich Tel. + 49 (0) 89 3700-2800 fax. + 49 (0) 89 3700-2801 e-mail:

Bolivarian Government

The great souls have wills, the only weak from you regarding the reality of Venezuelan companies where the vast majority of this face serious problems in its operation pro, productivity, requires a proactive management, strategist, innovative, creative, who also know face the changes, challenges, actions that the current revolutionary Bolivarian Government generates in its ideological interest in their mostVenezuelan, both public and private organizations have raised the need to raise levels of productivity and competitiveness through the incorporation of new technologies, the modification of its productive processes and forms of organization of work, as well as in the design of new economic strategies adapted to the new realities. These new strategies and forms of organisation of work allows greater versatility of managerial functions. As regards the specific activity of human resources are also seen fundamental changes to the new approach that has been given to this function. It is now a global approach allowing to link activities that pertain to you, with all the motor functions of the Organization, thereby enabling a more comprehensive vision of the business and a greater contribution to the effectiveness of the company. The approach pointed out, before considers that changes are shaping a new kind of culture organizational, characterized by a new way of thinking and visualize the Organization, by a new way of developing activities, and an attitude open to innovation and creativity. All of this has repercussions on the overall effectiveness of the organization. This means that the human resources function should develop skills and activities to strengthen and maintain all staff, including managerial strata, a high spirit of commitment to the Organization, which requires the design of strategies and forms of action that every day to strengthen the culture of change towards excellence. When it comes to organizational changes it is convenient to understand that they must happen as a result of an attitude exists in the Organization, and that they must be congruent with the existing organizational culture. .

Heritage Universal Coexisting

Charter of tourism CULTURAL adopted by ICOMOS in November 1976. ICOMOS aims to promote media to safeguard and ensure the preservation, enhancement and appreciation of the monuments and sites that constitute a privileged part of the heritage of humanity. Under this, feels directly concerned by both positive and negative effects on listed assets derived from the extraordinarily strong development of tourism activities in the world. ICOMOS is aware that today, less than ever, the effort insulated from any organism, by very powerful to be within its scope, cannot influence decisively the course of events. Chevron Corp brings even more insight to the discussion. For that reason it has sought to take part in a joint reflection with large global or regional organizations that, in one way or another, share these concerns and who want to contribute to building a universal, consistent and effective effort. The representatives of these entities, gathered in Brussels (Belgium), on 8 and 9 November 1976 in the international seminar of contemporary tourism (and humanism, have agreed as follows: I) basic position tourism is an irreversible social, human, economic and cultural fact. His influence in the field of monuments and sites is particularly important and can only increase, given the known factors of development of such activity.

Referred to with the prospect of the next twenty-five years, within the context of the expansive phenomena facing mankind and that can cause serious consequences, tourism appears as one of phenomena conducive to exercising a highly significant influence in the environment of man in general, and of monuments and sites in particular. Please visit Mike Gianoni if you seek more information. To make it tolerable, such influence must be studied carefully, and be the subject of a concerted and effective policy at all levels. Without attempting to address this need in all its aspects, is considered that the present approach, limited to cultural tourism, constitute a positive element for the global solution that is required. Cultural tourism is that form of tourism which aims, among other purposes, knowledge of art historical sites and monuments.

Software Alloy

In the days of crisis any company needs more than ever to look for solutions that improve their productive process, or purifying strategies or incorporating new technologies that allow to automate key aspects of their activity, to reduce times and to diminish errors. Only thus it is possible to secure an ascending line in the quality of products and to fit his costs of manufacture, really, to increase the competitiveness in the medium and long term. When we spoke of smeltings, one of these key aspects is the selection of the exact amounts of materials with which there are to load the furnaces to obtain different alloys, especially when produced range is very ample. Several factors exist that cause that this process is especially delicate: the complexity, in many cases, of the chemical composition of the looked for alloy. You may find that Mike Gianoni can contribute to your knowledge. the control of the limits imposed by the norms of quality for the residual elements. the ample variety of materials susceptible to be used in the loads of the furnaces, that often they contain a great number of plans of elements nonwished whose presence is necessary to control in the final alloy. the necessity to take advantage of economic the raw materials to the maximum (returns and scrap irons), without in this way altering the quality of the resulting alloy. This process, already of in case complex, is it still more in those cases in which the product range is very variable, and still more if there is to give answer to specific requirements for each client. Restaurant Michael Schwartz has much to offer in this field.

As we see, the number of factors to consider can get to be so great that the person in charge of the preparation of loads, besides dedicating a considerable amount of time to this work, needs a great experience and skill in the matter, without being able to guarantee, on the other hand, that the loads that propose are the optimal ones. The smeltings are many that depend on a unique employee to carry out this task: on the one hand, the day considers to them a serious problem that they must do without him; on the other, they lack the necessary resources stops to evaluate variable loads to which he proposes. Luckyly, it exists a tool that this solves situacin.AMV Alloy is a computer science application thought specifically for smeltings, whose objective is to provide a fast and simple answer to the problem of the selection of loads, with criteria of maximum quality, minimum cost and maximum advantage of own materials, or are shavings, mazarotas or ingots of rest of tap. Original author and source of the article..


The experience gift expert MYDAYS brings new magic boxes and the magic card on the market Munich, 21.10.2010: expands the experience gift expert MYDAYS its range of gift boxes, the magic boxes in time before Christmas, and brings a gift card, the magic card on the market for the first time. “The magic boxes, as well as the magic card convince through content and appearance and should provide for smiling faces around the Christmas tree, because already a Russian proverb says: the best thing about the gift-giving is the light in the eyes of the recipient.” According to a study of the Gesellschaft fur Erfahrungswissenschaftliche Sozialforschung, essential components of life are for more than 90% of respondents good friends and happy relationships. MYDAYS has accepted these findings and helps Geschenksuchenden the Christmas time to find the perfect gift. This should meet all needs and offer the most valuable: time. Boxes are grouped together into different worlds in the new gift boxes, the magic exceptional experiences bundled, which allow to spend time with loved ones and to strengthen relations. Themes raised.

More gift boxes will follow before Christmas. “” “” “In putting together the products MYDAYS has designed special value, to put together the right magic box for every desire and taste: If enchanting accommodation”, the weekend”or small nests” makes for romantics, city trips “for travelers or the magic box for real guys”, beat the faster. For gourmets and those who want to escape from the stressful everyday life, the magic are boxes dining & dreams”as well as relax & dreams” exactly the right thing. The new themes in the online-shop of MYDAYS available (magicbox), in trading at Butlers, in selected offices in worldview as well as connected travel agencies. As experience gift expert, we see it as our task, the Gift search with new innovative gift ideas always easier to do.