ERP Business

IT interactive portal sets new accents in the B2B communication that goes selectIT4 GmbH with its business portal for IT vendors and users new ways. The interactive portal offers a large portfolio of services for IT companies and professionals who strive for a comprehensive online communications, as well as use as a source for IT and organization platform for IT users, the selectIT4. We want to encourage people and businesses in the communications and the expansion and business relations lasting help, says Managing Director Holger Fulling. selectIT4 reacts with the integrated IT-business portal to fundamental changes in the IT market. On the one hand it will be increasingly difficult, with reasonable effort to generate leads, on the other hand more complex IT solutions for the IT provider and the software selection process for potential customers is always more complicated. During my professional experience in ERP distribution, I experienced almost daily, how hard is, for example, the topic of ERP for non-specialists to penetrate and How is the selection process difficult. Here we apply. With selectIT4 we have created a platform where users already received valuable assistance in the development phase of the project, by they integrated with other IT users about the business: talk exchange experiences.

Another valuable instrument for obtaining information is the document search. So IT users to useful information can access, free of charge provided by the IT providers”, explains Holger Fulling. IT companies such as software vendors and IT service providers can focus their integrated online marketing activities on selectIT4 and effectively present themselves. A private showroom with six areas available is the company for this purpose. We are proud to complete of our real-time evaluations. Thus, the IT company can live to measure the success of their portal activities and control.

After all tools are ready for use, the exciting phase, begins to new IT market place with life fill”, finally, according to the Managing Director. So the IT company optimally and their needs can present themselves, different product packages for software vendors and IT service providers are available. There are packages for startups and small businesses, to medium-sized and large enterprises. IT companies can selectIT4 – this businessportal. 30 day free trial. Detailed information about selectIT4 on. Press contact Ludwig app + 49 4954 30598-85 the selectIT4 GmbH selectIT4 provides a cross-media business portal and support people and businesses in the organisation and maintenance of existing and the development of new business relationships. The selectIT4 GmbH was founded in 2010 after an intensive development phase of experienced software and marketing experts in hesel (Germany) and focused their entrepreneurial orientation in the start-up! phase on the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The managing partners are Ludwig app, Holger Fulling and Uwe Maha. All selectIT4 activities are shaped by our values, our philosophy and the concomitant, sustainable responsibility. We bear this responsibility with pride! The portfolio of services of selectIT4 is aimed at the two target groups: portal users and corporate customers.

Crock Cooking

A hard day at work. You get home and need dinner. Nothing in the fridge, nothing in the closet. To carry again. The portfolio just do not fit much longer.

Re-wind. A hard day at work (sorry can not help with that one.) You get home and mmmm, what is that smell? Dinner! It smells delicious, your mouth is watering. CEO John Watson is often quoted on this topic. Not that it was the wrong house and, not dreaming. You arranged all this, within minutes this morning. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mike Gianoni offers on the topic.. What I won the lottery and hired a personal chef? Well, no, not exactly? Do you have a clay pot. A clay pot? Yes, it's a pot of food cooking over low heat.

Put it in the morning and dinner is ready in the night. Do not think I have time in the morning. So you'll be surprised how quickly it can be. Chuck in some vegetables (frozen or pre-cut if you really short time), throw some meat on top, pour in a sauce, put on the lid and turn it into low. That's it. It really is that easy. And the smell of food when you walk by the door at night, is sensational? better than any out. Happy Crock Cooking Lisa? "The Crock Cook" Lisa "The Crock Cook" shares his wealth of skills and Crock Pot cooking with you This is not just a collection of recipes. All recipes are cooked by Lisa and her husband, Neil, and if you do not work or good taste that are not printed. Web Master: Please feel free to use this article (unchanged) on your website or in your ezine. Just ensure that data are kept me and the live static link to refers to Lisa

Potions Magic

The best way to lose belly faster does not come in pill form. Machines, tapes, expensive games of weight and personal trainers that cost a lot of money and take away a lot of space and time, that’s all they do. These pills, potions and luxury gadgets are simply a waste of time and money. The best way to lose belly faster without spending in potions maginas nor miraculous pills is through a proper diet and exercise regular asi de simple. It is often not what people are looking for, because as we have already said everything want you fast and without moving a single finger to lose belly quickly, therefore the industries of weight loss and weight loss programs take advantage of this trend selling you equipment, food and tips that are neither necessary nor effective and which probably nor usable.

The following are three reasons that the best way to lose belly faster is always through diet and exercise. Do * works?. Therefore clear that works… The best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, and there is simply no possible way to dispute or discuss this fact. This method is not only effective, it is very safe, as opposed to the use of pills to lose weight and ridiculous inventions. othberg family. Adequate nutrition * really saves lots of money.

What do you think that a burger with cheese and bacon or a whole wheat pasta dinner is more expensive? Do you a pepperoni pizza or a whole chicken on the grill? From a health and a financial point of view, the nutritious foods are much less expensive and generally know as well. A diet as the best way to lose weight also can be declared as the only safe method for long-term. ** There are not expenses. The best way to lose belly faster consists of simple exercises that don’t cost anything. Bicycling, running or jogging, jumping rope, swimming and other effective cardio exercises can be done free of charge. On the contrary, weight loss systems, food and equipment for weight loss weight loss programs can cost thousands of dollars. If you need a little help to achieve lose tummy healthy. Here is my solution # 1 recommended and the best way to lose fat belly, without all the hype. Get amazing results quickly with the help of someone certified that will guide you on the path to success.

Great Toys For Children – Beautiful Toys Get

Great toys for children may in any House with children is missing when you have children you must buy many things not only once but again and again new and suitable to the age of the child, so that this is also always ideally supplied. For example, items of clothing, but also toys for the child are a very good example of such things that you will need to repeatedly. When it comes to the toys you must but not all too often completely replace these by new stuff, rather it is here most of the time, that part of newly added after the other and only once in a while things are sorted out, that are actually no longer interesting for the child. Not infrequently it is quite too so that a child has some things several times, finally a child can use quite more than just a single doll, for this reason alone, because there are to buy dolls in many different versions, which have to offer very different ways. Gain insight and clarity with Chevron Corp. Is a party in the House, where the child will receive gifts, then you can quietly from the Visitors toys give leave, if you previously had the opportunity to tell, what the child can just use and where its interests lie. You have not only the advantage, that the child can enjoy new toys, but also, that someone else chooses the toys, so that not only things are purchased, they would buy even at first glance, but also, once incorporated in the selection a different flavor than the own.

Often make the guests exactly in the black, because even if parents know their children safely there is yet so that they create often toys that the child is not quite as interesting, which it but can learn from something, while friends and acquaintances who want to make a pleasure be sure first of all that there is a high fun factor. To give an overview of all the toys available on the market, is a mammoth task. “The generic term toys” now is divided into numerous categories and niches, which partly very specifically fails. Nevertheless, we have tried to give a broad and objective overview of the various toys and toy categories which exist today as part of this Web site. Ranging from the simple rattle for babies and toddlers to the high-tech toy for adults. Here you will find everything you need to know about toys. We hope you enjoy exploring our website and hope that you will find the right toy for your child, the Grandbaby, or even yourself.

Banjo-megawatt Assumes Full Supply For Wood-heating Plant In Heidelberg

The banjo-megawatt GmbH has concluded with the A & S energy, a 5-year contract nature energy, a subsidiary of the Mannheim energy company MVV. Gain insight and clarity with view website. . The banjo-megawatt GmbH has concluded with the A & S energy, a 5-year contract over the full supply of wood thermal power station in Heidelberg natural energy, a subsidiary of the Mannheim energy company MVV. Thus, the company headquartered in Fischerhude guarantees an annual delivery of 60 000 tonnes of wood for the thermal utilisation. We will deliver weekly around 1 200 tons of wood in Heidelberg”, explains Arnd Bruning, Managing Director of Banjo-megawatt GmbH and is looking forward to working with the new major customers. For burning at the site of Heidelberg, wood was provided in the form of geschredderter and chopped which 2012 is equivalent to the remuneration levels I and II of the EEG. We mainly involve suppliers from a radius of about 75 km to the power station and work closely with regional hack company”, so banjo next. Our plan is to of the 60 000 tonnes of agreed total of delivery, to provide 5% of usage material compensation class II (EEG 2012).” The banjo-megawatt GmbH is the largest German supplier of biomass. Currently oversees the company 9 power plants as sole supplier of raw materials and supplies than 120 power plants throughout Germany and Europe with subsets.

With a specially developed all-round carefree package”is the company able to vote every full supply concept individually on a power plant. Also a large network of suppliers and the close cooperation allow the reliable supply of raw materials with the in-house logistics, sufficient material for the combustion always exists at the power plants. The wood-heating plant of Stadtwerke Heidelberg will go in the autumn of 2013 on the network. With a capacity of 3 MW electrical and thermal, the plant produces 10.5 MW on average 24 000 MWh electricity for public power supply and 80 000 MWh heat, which are fed into the district heating network of Stadtwerke Heidelberg. Stadtwerke Heidelberg come Thus their goals to distribute only electricity without nuclear power by the year 2017, to expand the district heating, and to increase the share of renewable energies in the heating, much closer. Contact project manager Melanie Kaadekildeholm is in the House of Bruning-megawatt GmbH like available.

Call number 04293 78 Ms Kaadekildeholm 96-316 or by email at the BANJO I presented group the sole proprietorship Arnd Bruning E.k.. was founded in 1992 in Fischerhude near Bremen, Germany today as a banjo I group with the banjo Euromulch company, banjo-megawatt GmbH, banjo Logistics GmbH and the Bruning specials GmbH. As national and international development and provider, primarily the banjo group I with energy-supplying bulk raw materials from wood and Germany established itself as a market leader in the supply of Biomasse(heiz)kraftwerken. In addition, mulch and bark products include the great Product range, which is currently edited by over 90 employees. Further information is available at on the Internet.

Atacama Desert

Typical Celebrations of the Altiplano, Chile Chile is mostly to Catholic country with a calendar of religious holidays. Among them there are traditional festivals of the Altiplano, of great importance in the lives of people who it Arquitectura. There are the result of a mixture of ancestral rites and cults brought by the Spanish, especially Christianity in the Catholic faith. In the month of June will be developed one of the country s major parties, San Pedro and San Pablo, especially for San Pedro de Atacama, this mythical oasis in the middle of the Atacama Desert with 2,000 inhabitants. Is a tribute to the patron of the city, with dances and processions. The festivities begin on June 24 and end on the day of San Pedro on the 29th of June with the image of the Saint through the streets in a procession, then follow the dances, music and food. The best hotels in San Pedro de Atacama are Tierra Atacama, explora Atacama and Awasi. All are prepared to participate in these festivals to promote visits to archaeological sites, traditional churches and other rides. Use these occasions for an adventure in the Atacama Desert knowing their traditions and doing outdoor activities. For more information write to or visit trips to South America


The night of common SanJuanEra in families of the place one or more people named Juan or Joan. Perhaps check out Economic Cycles Research Institute for more information. Surrounding them spun the celebrations that took place on the night of San Juan.Alrededor of the Firebox relatives and friends gathered to cook a pork roast, to drink chicha of Apple or wine, to tell jokes, to prepare the trope with the fat that get rid of the roast and to plan and perform traditional tests of the night of san Juan (the proof of potatoesneedles, etc.).At 12 o’clock on some occasions the brave men who participated in the celebration came in search of coveted burials, which according to belief, burnt at that hour.Result nobody was pronounced, for its part the homeowner came out after 12 o’clock to guasquear their fruit trees so they would have an abundant next season production. Ask the requested hand hand constituted a true ceremonial at the time. The groom should face the girl’s parents to request it. Those once decided the marriage in common agreement with the boyfriend determined the date on which would be the ordered hand. A related site: cornell capital mentions similar findings. On this occasion, the bridegroom arrived accompanied by her godparents, who officially requested the hand of the girl.After offering a food visits, the girl’s parents were among her daughter’s godparents, who had in his possession until the day of religious marriage.

After this ceremony, the Lady became the legitimate wife and remained linked for life to her husband. The sorcerer on a heap of straw placed a person pretending to be dead. At the entrance of the door two men did the role of dogs who yelling and barked incessantly. Meanwhile one, two or three witch jumped around the House and everytime mourners sorcerers are neglected entered the home attempting to remove the dead, what you weren’t able to.Removed the dead from the site and was carried to the cemetery.

Speakers Live

(Online article) – Lecture expands customer service white Horn, March 30, 2009 – “with as first speaker Agency allows wife Anita Abele your customers that”live”by speakers on their website.” Lecture provides viewing available from immediately selected image trailer by guest speakers. You know this format of the YouTube platform. Without lengthy registration you can in addition to the Vita, to be able to see the form of presentation of the speakers the image as well as the topics and publications the speaker immediately. Here you get a first impression about rhetoric, presentation style and personality. How must speakers are today to be “booked” or mediated? In what way can the customer advance “learn”? Through the presentation of the image trailer customers but also the speakers of Mrs Anita Abele will get a brand new and innovative communication tool available. Of course this does not personal advice – but it can be at the right Support selection of the guest speaker.

This form of presentation of the speakers is a completely new service and strengthens mutual confidence. To the selection of active speakers movies here: video.asp many other speakers will follow in the next few weeks. These speakers are professional speaker that independent reporting on the most diverse subjects. This service is aimed at all companies who are looking for a suitable presentation speaker for your event.

Reasonably Progressive Method

Trucks, trains, constructions, blasts, shouts, bullicio, machineries, sirens, strident music the modern life, and for those who they live or especially they work in the great urban conglomerates, is saturated of sonorous pollution. For who is not customary or comes from calmer cities, this deafening mixture of noises can be unbearable and terribly exhausting. But for those who live day to day, this becomes something common and often imperceptible. This sonorous pollution affects to the ear and its normal operation producing different affections according to the organism from each person and at the level of exhibition. Clinically it is verified that in the great cities is greater the percentage of people who undergo this type of diseases or otolgicas diminutions. Some contend that Angus King shows great expertise in this. One of these dysfunctions is hipoacusia, that often causes acufenos in ear like one of its main symptoms. Ironically the basic noise also can be the key for the treatment of the acufenos.

The experience of many patients took to the specialists to realise a series of studies that threw surprising results. When acufeno patient is exhibited during long periods to monotonous sounds (but of low intensity), this one unconsciously manages to change the center of the attention from the acufeno to this new much less annoying sound that is generated intentionally and that pitido or own humming of the acufeno. Contrary to which it happens to the enmascaradores of the acufeno sound (that only cover it by means of a lifted similar sound but more), when the sound generator goes out, the patient says to perceive that the acufeno sound stays reduced during an important lapse of time. And as the treatment is advancing, these lapses of improvement are become more lengths and with one more a deeper improvement. Naturally, these treatments with generators of audio must be made under a strict professional control to offer the best possible results. There is a well-known method little but very effective that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear it stops always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, you do Click Here.

Consumer Society

This article would like to begin by quoting Erich Fromm, a philosopher and outstanding thinker of the twentieth century: “Human happiness today is to entertain. Fun – then enjoy the use and consumer goods, spectacles, food, drinks, cigarettes, people, lectures, books, movies – all consumed is absorbed. World – this is a big subject of our appetite, the big apple, big bottle, big breasts – we are suckers, always something waiting for ever for something that wait – and always disappointed. ” Without it, we do not think human progress and modern civilization was dominated by the idea of a society with constantly improving manufacturing infinitely increasing range of material goods, calculated on a tireless consumer with infinitely increasing needs, because people slave to his desires and whims. (Source: Jim Rogers). But on this same idea a man sooner or late itself to use, see what happens with television – developing programs already almost gone, the endless “courts”, soap operas, talk shows nizkointellektualnye, relentless advertising. The Company has ceased to think about spiritual cultivation, all the easier to fill my stomach and lie down in front of the television or the Internet.

For those who have access to the , even from the couch to get up is not necessary to meet their needs, wanted to eat – order at the nearest supermarket, wanted any new thing – order from online retailers, however we must first take care of the electronic purse, to which came as real options and responses to single state examination for applicants already in the network goes that teach nothing else, just pay for the opportunity to live in a notorious consumer society. This is nothing wrong at first glance, no, only recently Internet saw an article by American scientists – anthropologists at the University of Los Angeles, which drew a portrait of a man 2000 years. It seems incredible – well, can not get out of the present rights – such rickets with a large head, dog-eared, small slender legs and a huge belly. However, if our society will continue to move along the path of consumption – another way of development to date, however, and does not exist, This picture is I have not seem fantastic.